All search results for . 18641-18650 of 20211 results.
BNSF Railway
Table of Functions Cross-Tabled by Methodology
...Supply Chain Management Software SurveyTable of functions cross-tabbed by ...
Demand-Based Payout Ratio for Coordinating Supply and Demand on an On-Demand Ride Sharing Platform
...For ride-sharing services like Uber, or Didi in China, getting the right number ...
INFORMS News: 2017 INFORMS Subdivision Awards
...The following awards were presented by the respective INFORMS societies, ...
Scott Webster
INFORMS News: INFORMS Simulation Society presents awards at WSC
...The INFORMS Simulation Society presented the following awards at the 2017 Winter...
Hongmin Li
Nicholas Mason
INFORMS News: People
...Brenda DietrichBrenda Dietrich, a Fellow and past president of INFORMS, has ...
Vendor List
...Supply Chain Management Software SurveyVendor List...