Search Results

All search results for . 18671-18680 of 20211 results.

Ankle bracelets connected to the cloud are giving farmers a wealth of data about their cows

Enno Siemsen

Sara Shashaani

Marlin Thomas Interview Transcript

Is television advertising for health insurance worth the expense? A new study says, ‘maybe not’
...Key Takeaways...

Peter Glynn

Management Science: Accounting Department
...Dear Colleagues,At the beginning of the summer, Shiva Rajgopal, one of the two ...

Strategic Behavior of Suppliers in the Face of Production Disruptions
...When dealing with an unreliable supplier, an additional reliable (although ...

The Impact of Supply Chains on Firm-Level Productivity
...Researchers studying firm-level productivity have, almost without exception, ...

Douglas Morrice