What brings promising students, innovative industry leaders, and leading minds in academia to INFORMS? Becoming part of our thriving community of members saving lives, saving money, and solving problems is about more than a list of benefits and discounts. We understand that each of our members has their own interests, their own goals, and their own journey, and it’s our job to support them at every step of their career.
Want a concise summary of our benefits that you can share with colleagues or your boss? Click the "Member Benefits" button above to download the PDF!
""INFORMS has been so instrumental in my career. I’ve made so many connections, colleagues I still talk to to this day. INFORMS has been so instrumental in helping me just learn what it means to be a researcher, everything from being involved in WORMS (Women of Operations Research and Management Science) as well as in my work with the Minority Issues Forum (MIF) working with underrepresented groups. INFORMS has really helped me grow as a person at the intersection of both women and minority issues."
- Destenie Nock
Carnegie Mellon University"
Reduced rates for national and international meetings
Network, present research, and discover cutting-edge methods and OR/MS and analytics applications at national, international, regional, and topical conferences, specialized workshops, and related events throughout the year
Opportunities to network with your professional peers
Connect with people who share your interests. You can belong to any of the special-interest sections and societies, geographical chapters, and student chapters at a highly discounted rate. Students select one section or society for free. INFORMS Communities help you stay current, share experiences, and broaden your work-related and personal horizons.
Continuing education courses
INFORMS professional development programs promote lifelong learning and career growth for O.R. and Analytics professionals. Attend INFORMS high-level continuing education courses on leading analytics topics. Reduced prices for members.
""Irrespective of your level of experience, this is an excellent course that will improve your ability to target the right problems, effectively manage an analytics team, and successfully communicate to a client. Well done and value-added!"
- Dr. Chuck Noon
University of Tennessee,
""Overall I feel this course provides something for individuals who are just starting out in analytics (like myself), the seasoned analytics professional and everyone in between! I would definitely recommend it. The structure of the course is designed to show you how to utilize these tools in your current organization and will provide many opportunities for discussion. It is truly analytics in practice!"
- William Tyson
Norfolk Southern Corporation"
First word of new job openings and internships
The INFORMS Career Center is a convenient, Web-based service that links employers with qualified applicants in the OR/MS and analytics field. It's FREE for all members! OR/MS Today and Analytics Magazines' employment classified advertisements are convenient print and Web-based services that provide members with the largest source of job listings in the industry!
Leadership roles to build your professional profile
Scholarly papers, presentations, volunteer activities, and INFORMS awards let you contribute your expertise and enjoy recognition within your professional community.
Examples of volunteering at INFORMS:
- Be a mentor
- Join a committee
- Be a FacilitatOR of discussions at a conference
- Become an officer in a community
- Write an article for one of our magazines
- Help a nonprofit with their data problems
- Provide an O.R. and analytics student with advice
Advance your career by earning the prestigious CAP
(Certified Analytics Professional) credential that shows the world that you are serious, effective leader in the field. Certification drives personal satisfaction of accomplishing a key career milestone and helps improve your overall job performance by stressing continuing professional development. Substantial member discounts are available.
""My favorite INFORMS experience was taking the CAP exam. I was very worried about whether I had passed. I remember walking out of the exam having taken every bleeding second to complete it and really not knowing and I think that's the best way to leave an exam, right? When I found out that I had passed I was thrilled! Another friend of mine, Alan Briggs, also passed the same day. We were happy with where we could go from there and that's opened up so many doors, from not only being an early Certified Analytics Professional to now being on the Analytics Certification Board."
- Aaron Burciaga, CAP
INFORMS Member since 2012"
Discounts of up to 60% on must-have publications
Select from leading journals in the industry for a fraction of the price nonmembers pay. Choose to receive your subscription online or print+online. Regular members receive two online dues journals FREE with membership. Student members receive one online dues journal FREE with membership! All members can subscribe to the PubsSuite for $109, which includes access to all 17 of INFORMS Journals.
The membership magazine, OR/MS Today, reports on new directions in the profession, fascinating case studies, interesting people, and new tools to expand your capabilities.
The industry magazine, Analytics, provides a window into this burgeoning field that uses math, operations research, and statistics to drive better business decisions.
INFORMS Connect, the new member-only, online community
Provides INFORMS members with an environment to connect, engage, and share critical information and best practices in real time. The Open Forum gives members a place to engage in discussions, solve problems, and share documents. INFORMS Connect is an important member-only benefit for you.
Recognize excellence through awards and prizes
INFORMS awards program identifies and rewards meritorious achievement in all aspects of the OR/MS field. INFORMS has a long history of bestowing prizes and awards for outstanding achievement by academic members, practice members, and students. INFORMS communities also offer their own awards program based on achievement in more narrowly focused areas.
Get help navigating your career
Mentor Match lets INFORMS members enroll online to become a mentor or find one. Use the online directory to meet your professional match and begin working on goals together.
Any INFORMS member may participate in the mentoring program.
Sessions begin in October and April and run for five months.
In person or virtual.
Bring your research to the press
INFORMS helps to elevate member work and expertise to a level that can help reach policymakers, the average American and more. INFORMS offers members the opportunity to work with our public relations specialist to showcase work and get it traction in the media in the form of press releases, editorials and pitches that can result in interviews and placements. Recent member placements include The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, ABC and The Boston Globe among countless others. Email Ashley Smith, INFORMS Public Relations Coordinator.

Educational materials to enrich OR/MS curricula
Resources such as streaming video, online forums, podcasts, tutorials and educational workshops give instructors the tools to build effective OR/MS and analytics educational programs and students and practitioners access to behind-the-scenes information.