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The 2006 Workshop "Combining Visualisation and Interaction to Facilitate Scientific Exploration and Discovery" (British HCI - V&I 2006) aims to promote the importance of HCI and usability aspects in the visualisation and exploration of complex data and sharing obtained knowledge with other people. We encourage researchers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines to participate in the discussion of the following topics:
- How can interactive visualisation methods and tools be augmented to address concerns of both scientific computing and HCI?
- What are the criteria for choosing between advanced projection equipment and input devices?
- How can visualisation and multi-modal interaction techniques be integrated to ensure a good user experience?
- Which research questions need to be considered when aiming to achieve efficient HCI and 'human-to-human' interaction between scientists while exploring complex data spaces?
- In what way can users expectations and the environment of use be modelled when designing interactive visualisation systems?
- How can we define effective abstractions for the visualisation and user interaction processes?
- What is the impact of the task or application field on interactive visualisation?
- To what extent are usability problems independent of the context of use and need to be taken into account when designing interactive visualisation environments?
Please submit a short position paper or an extended research abstract of maximum 4 pages to elenaz(at)science.uva.nl and tony.adriaansen(at)csiro.au by June 6, 2006.
Elena Zudilova-Seinstra, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) Tony Adriaansen, ICT Centre CSIRO (Australia)