All search results for . 6631-6640 of 20189 results.
How Continental Landed On Its Feet
...Anna White, director of Crew Technology at Continental Airlines, had never faced...
Spam, Egg, Sausage and Spam
...Perhaps you have noticed, as I have, the recent surge in the number of popular ...
TV Special Showcases Profession
...OK, by now it's no secret. I'm a big cheerleader for the operations research ...
The Science of Globalization
...Nearly all members of INFORMS are facing globalization of their environment. In ...
Mr. Barnett Goes to Washington
...Arnold Barnett, the George Eastman Professor of Management Science at MIT's ...
Navigating the Network Economy
...Networks permeate our daily lives, underpinning our societies and economies ...
The Art of Project Management
...About a year ago, I bought a charming old house. The place has lots of character...
...Long ago, in a land far, far away, the king's ministers needed to understand the...
Bubbles, Bad Bets and Bankruptcy
The Emperor's New Software
...The OR/MS analyst's wife was obviously upset. "What's the matter, Sue?"...