All search results for . 6621-6630 of 20189 results.
The Secret of Prejudice
...quot;Now you've done it," one of the friends gathered on a backyard sundeck...
New Editor's Plan
...I'd like to begin this column, my first as editor of IOL, by expressing my ...
National Security, Pandemics, Hoops
and More
...When operations researchers ask in exasperation if anyone is listening to them, ...
Value Propositions
...The INFORMS Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) has been engaged in an ongoing ...
Award Nominations
...George B. Dantzig...
Multiobjective Showcase Scheduling
...A popular dance studio in New York City holds ballroom dancing showcases twice a...
...Industry Opportunities...
Killing Time on the Tarmac
...My head hurts. I'm coughing and sneezing up a storm. My flight is stuck on the ...
Probability, Stats and 'Playing Games'
...I vividly remember the first time I was exposed to the central limit theorem. ...
The Science of Smart Decisions
...Operations research and management science involve using mathematical modeling ...