All search results for . 6241-6250 of 20188 results.
O.R. & Criminal Justice: Together Again
...Last fall, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), the research arm of the U. S...
Passion for Punctuation: Eats, Shoots & Leaves
...On a recent trip to New Delhi, I went to the local bookstore. At the entrance, ...
Mark S. Daskin
CEOs are Tough Sells
...Whether they're peddling their product to CEOs or MBA students, those who toil ...
INFORMS' Meetings: Lots of Choices Including Yours
...INFORMS has lots of meetings, and their nature is both varied and evolving. We ...
Keeping Nuclear Bombs Away
...HANOVER, MD, June 24, 2009 ��� A two-tiered scanning-protocol for inspecting all...
Novel Jobs Require Analytic Talent
...My undergraduate advisor at St. Olaf College was a mathematics professor named ...
The Life of an Operations Research Mind Living in Academic Administration
...Sometimes our career paths take routes we definitely didn't map out with Rand ...
O.R. in Biz School: A research call to arms:
...INFORMS is running a campaign called "The Science of Better" to ...
Doing Good With Good O.R. Student Paper Competition Committee
...2024 Committee Co-Chairs...