Search Results

All search results for . 6191-6200 of 20188 results.

New Customer Services
...The INFORMS staff and volunteers provide two main types of services to the ...

Best Paper Competition

Practice What We Preach
...Many INFORMS members either work for or consult for firms or governmental ...

Distinguished Service Award
...To recognize individuals who have provided long-standing, exceptional service to...

Frame, Formulate and Solve
...Operations research. It's a wonderful subject to teach, to do, to research. It ...

Transformational Option for O.R.
...In the 1967 movie "The Graduate," we have this famous dialogue [1]: Mr...

Lifetime Professional Achievement Award
...The Lifetime Professional Achievement Award (LPAA) of the Institute for ...

'Dantzig' the Optimality Jig
...To the Editor...

Educating Japanese Government Officials
...The National Personnel Authority (NPA) is in charge of the recruitment of ...

Best Dissertation Award
...Relevant dissertation topics in the domain of technology management may reflect...