All search results for . 17431-17440 of 20152 results.
The Internet is Going to the Dogs
...It seems like there was a time when the Internet was a playground for ...
Best Dissertation Award
...Relevant dissertation topics in the domain of technology management may reflect...
Second Thoughts on Citation Counts, Impact Factors
Distinguished Speaker Award
...TIMES presents its distinguished speaker award to an outstanding academic leader...
Welcome to O.R. World
...If ever there was a sector of the economy crying out for operations research-...
E-Biz Opportunities Abound
...And now, as in Monty Python, it's time for something completely different. My ...
The Secret of Power
...The O.R. analyst was doing well, but still he was not content. He decided to ...
TIMES Distinguished Service Award
...The TIMES Distinguished Service Award recognizes individuals who have made ...
Doctoral Colloquium Nominations
...The 2000 INFORMS Doctoral Colloquium will be held Nov. 3-4 in San Antonio, ...
A Society of Learners
...Think of it. Ten years ago most of us had not visited the World Wide Web! Now we...