All search results for . 17421-17430 of 20152 results.
Focus Best Minds on Most Important Problems
...The tragedy of the great tsunami of December 2004 fills our minds and hearts as ...
When Selling Stories, Consider the 'Who cares?' Factor
...Operations researchers often ask what it takes to interest a reporter on radio, ...
Decision Sciences at Air Products
...Editor's note: This is the first in a series of articles profiling members of ...
O.R. Scores in SpORts
...A football team scores a touchdown that puts it down by one point as the game ...
The Traveling Spaceman Problem
...Below is a three-dimensional map of the universe containing nine galaxies that ...
Revenue Management for MBAs
...Revenue management (RM) is a leading-edge business practice that belongs in ...
O.R. Confidential
...In today's society with its mass education, universities are intended to cater ...
Big Boost for O.R. in the U.K.
...On Dec. 20, 2007, the United Kingdom's Engineering and Physical Sciences ...
Don't Shoot the Messenger
...By now, long-time readers of OR/MS Today are used to the question: If operations...
Lifetime Professional Achievement Award
...The Lifetime Professional Achievement Award (LPAA) of the Institute for ...