Search Results

All search results for . 16831-16840 of 20231 results.

International O.R.: Why should we work together?
...By Jean-Franois Audy, Nadia Lehoux, Sophie DAmours and Mikael R...

...Editors note: This is another in a series of articles profiling members of ...

INFORMS News: INFORMS names new executive director
...Melissa MooreMelissa Moore, a former top executive with two engineering ...

INFORMS News: INFORMS Nominations
...The INFORMS Nominating Committee has provided the following slate of nominees ...

INFORMS News: INFORMS Combined Colloquia 2011
...The 2011 INFORMS Combined Colloquia will be held on Nov. 11-12, the Friday and ...

Physician-Rating Websites Are Biased in Picking Doctors, Exaggerating Consumer Opinions
...MONTREAL, June 14, 2011 Patients posting their opinions about doctors on ...

OR in the ER
...By David Eitel and Douglas A. Samuelson...

Dan J. Kim

INFORMS News: People
...Ed CoffmanEd Coffman of Columbia University was named the 2011 recipient of the ...

Donald L. Ferrin