Prize for the Teaching of the OR/MS Practice

2024 - Winner(s)

2024 Winner(s)

Effective teaching of operations research/management science (OR/MS) involves up-to-date and contextually rich pedagogical material and an engaging classroom presence. However, true teaching excellence is evident when students can apply their knowledge to real-world challenges they face in their professional careers. Dr. Guetta surpasses all these standards. His pedagogical materials are outstanding and his ability to impart knowledge to students is exemplary. He has trained students in a wide variety of domains who continue to make important contributions to industry and society. In his dedication and success in teaching, Dr. Guetta is a role model for us.

Purpose of the Award

2025 Committee Chair

Tugce Martagan
Northeastern University

Have questions about award?  Please email [email protected]

Click here for committee information.

The Prize for the Teaching of OR/MS Practice will be given annually, if there is a suitable recipient, to a university or college teacher for excellence in teaching the practice of OR/MS. The purpose of this award is to recognize a teacher who has succeeded in helping his or her students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be effective practitioners of operations research or the management sciences. An "effective practitioner" has respect for, understanding of, and the skills to surmount both the practical difficulties and the technical challenges of doing good OR/MS work. The award was presented for the first time at the INFORMS spring 1998 National Meeting.

2024 Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024

Any questions should also be directed to the committee chair. The nomination should be submitted through the INFORMS Awards software.

Click here for instructions.

Past Awardees

2024 Winner(s)
Daniel Guetta, Columbia University
2023 Winner(s)
Timothy Chan, University of Toronto
2022 Winner(s)
Junmin (Jim) Shi, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Burcu B. Keskin, University of Alabama
2021 Winner(s)
Jill Hardin Wilson, Northwestern University
2020 Winner(s)
Susan Martonosi, Harvey Mudd College, Department of Mathematics
2019 Winner(s)
Patrick Noonan, Emory University
2018 Winner(s)
Sanjay Ahire, University of South Carolina
2016 Winner(s)
S. Raghavan, University of Maryland, Robert H Smith School of Business
2015 Winner(s)
Thomas W. Lucas, Naval Postgraduate School
2014 Winner(s)
Jason Merrick, Virginia Commonwealth University
2013 Winner(s)
Alexandra M. Newman, Colorado School of Mines
2012 Winner(s)
David F. Rogers, University of Cincinnati, Quantitative Analysis & Operations Management
2011 Winner(s)
Jeffrey E. Kline, Naval Postgraduate School
2010 Winner(s)
Michael Gorman, University of Dayton
2009 Winner(s)
James K. Lowe, United States Air Force Academy
2008 Winner(s)
James J. Cochran, The University of Alabama
2007 Winner(s)
Paul A. Jensen, University of Texas
2006 Winner(s)
Jeffrey D. Camm, Wake Forest University
2005 Winner(s)
Peter C. Bell, University of Western Ontario, Richard Ivey School of Business
2004 Winner(s)
Erhan Erkut, Ozyegin University
2003 Winner(s)
Bruce L. Golden, University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business
2002 Winner(s)
David M. Ryan, Dept. of Engineering Science, University of Auckland
2001 Winner(s)
Stephen G. Powell, Dartmouth College, Tuck School of Business Administration
2000 Winner(s)
Richard E. Rosenthal, Operations Research Dept., Naval Postgraduate School
1999 Winner(s)
Robert E. D. (Gene) Woolsey, Colorado School of Mines
1998 Winner(s)
Ronald A. Howard, Stanford University, Dept. of Management Science & Engineering