After One Year of War, How Is Ukraine Managing?
Beyond the headlines and the politics, many people outside of Ukraine have little idea of how the country is carrying on day-to-day while war rages.
BALTIMORE, MD, November 12, 2024 – New research in the INFORMS journal Manufacturing & Service Operations Management is guiding the development of more inclusive and efficient electricity markets. The work demonstrates how aggregating small-scale, distributed energy resources (DERs) like solar panels can effectively balance the power of large utility companies.
In December, the US Congressional-Executive Commission on China issued its annual report, accusing Hong Kong of eroding freedoms and aiding Russia in its war against Ukraine. These allegations sparked speculation about potential United States sanctions, including disconnecting Hong Kong from the SWIFT worldwide banking system, which could trigger a depegging of the Hong Kong dollar (HKD) from the US dollar (USD). However, such extreme measures are unlikely, as they would require support from the European Union and other allies and could destabilize the global financial system. In fact, depegging the HKD from the USD would more likely be triggered by a significant dwindling of reserves in Hong Kong rather than a drastic US policy shift.
The final week of the NFL regular season has a handful of teams jockeying for playoff position. Just one upset loss can move a team from hosting a first-round game to an early offseason.
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Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]
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Beyond the headlines and the politics, many people outside of Ukraine have little idea of how the country is carrying on day-to-day while war rages.
BALTIMORE, MD — It looks like the “best practice” of removing gendered language from job listings may simply have been a “best guess” by managers seeking to increase diversity of applicant pools for their organizations. New research in the INFORMS journal Management Science finds that tweaking the language of job postings to make them more gender-neutral has negligible practical effects on men’s and women’s likelihood of applying for jobs.
BALTIMORE, MD, April 13, 2023 – INFORMS, the largest association for the decision and data sciences, has awarded Walmart, one of the world’s leading retailers, with the 2023 INFORMS Prize, for consistent and innovative dedication to utilizing operations research (O.R.) and analytics in its organizational decision-making for demand forecasting, supply chain and merchandising operations.
AI is big business. Where once robotics was reserved for the futuristic, Elon Musk-types, it’s now a viable tool for all businesses across all sectors. Earlier this month, Air Canada announced its intentions dabble in AI to improve their customer service support, with robotics set to help improve call times in staff centres. And they’re not alone.
In recent months, researchers have issued warnings that ChatGPT was making up academic studies. It is less well known that media sources from chatbots are often fabricated as well.
OR/MS Today is the INFORMS member magazine that shares the latest research and best practices in operations research, analytics and the management sciences.
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