Covid-19 Vaccine Sites Call in Volunteers, Retirees to Staff Rollout
Bill Renda expected to spend this time of year traveling and visiting family, were it not for the pandemic. Instead, the retired orthopedic surgeon from Louisville, Ky., and his wife, Sally, spent much of January in a cold parking lot, directing drivers to a place for observation by medical staff after receiving doses of Covid-19 vaccine. Dr. and Mrs. Renda, a docent at the city zoo, signed up with more than 4,000 others to staff Broadbent Arena, which normally hosts the Kentucky State Fair. This month, the arena was converted into a drive-through site with the capacity to administer 1,600 shots a day. Joining the Rendas are local librarians, parks department workers, students from the local nursing and pharmacy schools and others volunteering 40 hours in exchange for getting vaccinated.