All search results for . 931-940 of 20203 results.
Social Media Trends, Best Practices, and Compliance for Healthcare Professionals
...Overview:Social media has become a part of everyday life for most Americans. 91...
Position Statement: Edward H. Kaplan
...Edward H. Kaplan...
Surgical Services Course
ICIL 2014
Position Statement: Stefan E. Karisch
...Stefan E. Karisch...
In Memoriam: Manfred W. Padberg (1941-2014)
...Manfred W. Padberg died on May 12 after a long battle with cancer. He was 72. ...
In Memoriam: Harold W. Kuhn (1925-2014)
...Harold W. Kuhn, a prominent member of the founding generation of operations ...
...H. Edwin Romeijn has been appointed the H. Milton and Carolyn J. Stewart School ...
MAS Awards salute top O.R. students at service academies
...Zachary C. Saunders, Matthew Hughes, Colin E. Bogdan and Jake E. Taylor received...