All search results for . 7891-7900 of 20203 results.
Health Care Financing Administration
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The Evolution of Closed-Loop Supply Chain Research
...In Issue 1 of volume 57 of Operations Research (2009), Profs. Dan Guide and Luk ...
ABB Electric, Inc.
...Access the winning project���s companion paper...
City of San Francisco Police Department
...Access the winning project���s companion paper...
Syntex Laboratories, Inc.
...Access the winning project���s companion paper...
Rocket Science Retailing
...In the May-June, 2009 issue of Operations Research, Marshall Fisher, UPS ...
...Special issue of ITE dedicated to memory of Paul A. JensenAs theory and practice...
...Access the winning project���s companion paper...
Weyerhaeuser Company
...Access the winning project���s companion paper...
Blue Bell, Inc.
...Access the winning project���s companion paper...