All search results for . 6841-6850 of 20197 results.
Military O.R.: New Editor’s Cut captures the past, present and future of operations research in the military
...CATONSVILLE, MD, March 5, 2019 ��� From the very first moment the term ...
9 myths that hold female employees back, debunked
Tired of waiting on a waiter? New research shows adding a tabletop device can improve restaurant service and revenue
...New Study Key Takeaways...
No more chicken soup: Data is the answer to fighting the flu
INFORMS Student Team Competition challenges students from around the world to solve complex real-world business challenges
...CATONSVILLE, MD, March 7, 2019 ��� Six student teams from around the world ...
What the CBS Blackout Means for the Future of Streaming
Publisher manipulation failed to sell paper books and slowed eBook sales
Facebook study: That's a nice ROI you've got there, it would be a shame if anything happened to it
Digital vs. print: New study shows playing favorites can hurt sales
Data experts crunch numbers to optimize school bus routes