All search results for . 6411-6420 of 20188 results.
The III European-Latin-American Workshop on Engineering Systems (SELASI)
INFORMS Simulation Society Research Workshop
...Chair: Stephen Chick, or stephen.chick@insead.eduSimulation...
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS'2005)
...International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS) is an ...
WILF 2005 Sixth International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic
...WILF 2005 is the 6th edition of what started out and was formerly...
8th EU/MEeting on Metaheuristics in the Service Industry
...Optimization models and methods play an increasingly important role...
Applied Probability INFORMS conference 2007
...Co-Chairs: Onno Boxma, Eindhoven University; Michel Mandjes, CWISponsor: INFORMS...
First International Workshop on Incentive Based Computing (IBC'05)
...TOPICS OF INTEREST include, but are not limited to...
The Fifth ALIO/EURO Conference on Combinatorial Optimization
Journees d'Etude Faible Tension Faible Consommation ( FTFC 2005)