All search results for . 51-60 of 20203 results.
Peter C. Bell
Marshall McLuhan's Parable
...The group in the office was usually productive, but not much was getting done ...
The Young (Professor) and the Restless (MBAs)
...As a freshly minted Ph.D., I have been somewhat thrown to the wolves known as ...
Publish and Flourish
...The teaching, research and practice of OR/MS is not amenable to traditional oral...
Eyes on Opportunities
...With all he's got going on, why would Don Kleinmuntz �� co-founder of Strata ...
The Dance of the Fruit Flies
...The group was finishing lunch and preparing to go back to the afternoon sessions...
Lessons in Usability and User Research
...INFORMS members know the value of research quite well. As such, during the last ...
Sally Stanford's Parable
...At the wine tasting party, agroup had gathered around the O.R. analyst and the ...
Revenue Management & Digital Marketing
...Revenue management and digital marketing are independent business processes that...
Help Us Help You
...As Kevin Costner said in "Bull Durham," "I have been known to ...