All search results for . 4481-4490 of 20181 results.
Keep Doing Good with Good O.R.
...By the time most of you read this column, the 2008 INFORMS Annual Meeting in ...
After the Meltdown ...
...Over the past year, we have seen extraordinary economic turmoil – the ...
Hard Sell for Soft O.R.
...Mention the term "Soft O.R." to most "operations researchers"...
Excerpts from 'The Numerati'
...From the introduction...
Supply and Demand
...Moving resources efficiently from supplier to consumer is a challenging problem ...
Eating Crow: Lessons in Project Management
...In the last issue (February 2009), I promised exciting things to come this year ...
What is the Optimal Number of Wives?
...Suppose we were to look at society and wonder about how to go about addressing ...
Predictions, prophesy and promises
...Last month, the United States elected Senator Barack Obama as the 44th president...
The Network is the Risk
...Recall Sun Microsystem's advertisement about the "Network is the Computer.&...
The Case for Soft O.R.