All search results for . 2071-2080 of 20152 results.
...ORP3 is a EURO conference on OR designed for young researchers...
Workshop on Domain Specific Visual Languages
WECWIS 2001 -Third Int'l Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-based Information Systems
...Call for Papers...
9th Conference on Integer Programming & Combinatorial Optimization
...The IPCO conferences, held every year in which no International...
YOR 12 Young OR
...The Young OR conference is an event where OR practitioners and academics in ...
2nd IFIP-TC6 Networking Confrerence
...Networking is the biennial Conference on Networking of the IFIP Technical...
Enhancing organisational creativity: what managers need to know
...At this event, delegates will learn how to leverage the latest research on ...
Optimization Days - Journees de l'Optimisation 2003
Winter Simulation Conference 2005
...Chair: Brad Armstrong...
5th ESICUP Meeting