All search results for . 18411-18420 of 20152 results.
INFORMS Computing Society Conference
...Co-chairs: Bruce Golden, University of Maryland (; Ed ...
6me congrs de la Societe Franaise de Recherche Operationnelle et d'Aide la Decision (ROADEF'05)
IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems
International Mass Customization Meeting (IMCM'05): Concepts ' Tools ' Realization
...The main objective of IMCM'05 is to drive forward the research on mass ...
The 2003 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'03)
Conference on Image Reconstruction from Incomplete Data III
...The theme of this conference is methods and algorithms for reconstructing...
The 2003 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications
Combinatorics for modern manufacturing, logistics, and supply chains (ECCO-XVIII)
Computational Management Science Conference
...The Conference will cover all computational aspects of management...