Search Results

All search results for . 18121-18130 of 20152 results.

OM and 'Vegas Night'
...Introductory operations management courses traditionally cover basic concepts on...

Wacky World of OR
...We all know that Americans take their football way too seriously. The same could...

Competing Risks and Realities
...American leaders have stressed the importance of leading normal lives in the ...

Operations Research Loses a Pillar of the Profession
...Editor's Note...

Spam, Egg, Sausage and Spam
...Perhaps you have noticed, as I have, the recent surge in the number of popular ...

O.R.: The Science of Better
...By now you may have heard the stirrings the INFORMS Science of Better ...

Good, Better & Best
...It was the night before INFORMS formally presented an ambitious initiative to ...

Mr. Barnett Goes to Washington
...Arnold Barnett, the George Eastman Professor of Management Science at MIT's ...

Trust at Least Some of Us
...Trust at Least Some of Us...

Remembering the Great GBD
...George Bernard Dantzig, widely known as the "Father of Linear Programming,&...