Search Results

All search results for . 17331-17340 of 20227 results.

Figure 1. Figure adopted from Li et al. (2017). The authors here are representing a schematic of their neural net “accelerated catalyst design appr...

INFORMS News – Call for nominations: INFORMS awards & honors
...INFORMS Fellows...

INFORMS to host leading international analytics conference in hometown of Baltimore
...Spotlight shines on analytics in action at universities and organizations ...

Re: Socially and Environmentally Responsible Va...

Renewing my commitment to the OM research community
...I am honored and privileged to serve M&SOM for the second term (2018-2020).&...

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, unless you are an app developer
...Key Takeaway:  A copycat apps ability to either detract from or enhance ...

Pediatric Heart Network Project named as finalist for prestigious 2018 Franz Edelman Award

O.R. and music generation
...By Dorien Herremans and Elaine ChewOperations research (O.R.) is a diverse field...

Powering and Networking Supply Chains with Technology and Intellectual Property
...Economies are at the forefront of a major innovation and transformation of ...

Page 10
...Supply Chain Management Software SurveyPage 10...