All search results for . 171-180 of 20203 results.
Online Encyclopedia of OR/MS
...The Internet in general, and the World Wide Web in particular, provide extremely...
Navigating the Network Economy
...Networks permeate our daily lives, underpinning our societies and economies ...
Internet: The Straight Story
...I adapted the title of this column from the award-winning 1999 David Lynch movie...
Bullish on Management Science
...The buzz at Merrill Lynch's World Financial Center headquarters was at a fever ...
The Big (Data) Dig
...Knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD) techniques are used for analyzing and ...
The Emperor's New Software
...The OR/MS analyst's wife was obviously upset. "What's the matter, Sue?"...
Conference Affirms Collective Resolve
...To the editor...
Thirsting for Consensus
...This paper reflects more than a decade of experience in applying concepts from ...
The New College Major: Pre-CEO
...quot;Is there a pre-CEO major?" a student at my university asked recently. ...
The Park Ranger's Parable
...The air was crisp and clear, the leaves were at the peak of turning colors, and ...