Search Results

All search results for . 16651-16660 of 20263 results.

INFORMS 2014 Transportation Science & Logistics Society Workshop
...Chairs: Maciek Nowak, & Michael Hewitt,

INFORMS NEWS: New Jersey Chapter presents student award
...New Jersey Chapter Student Contest Chair David Hunt (left) and Student Contest ...

INFORMS NEWS: Winter Simulation Conference 2013
...The Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) has been the premier international forum ...

INFORMS NEWS: INFORMS welcomes the following new members
...INFORMS welcomes the following new members who joined the Institute in July and ...

Guglielmo Lulli

INFORMS NEWS: INFORMS Annual Meeting exhibitors
...The following companies and organizations featured innovative software products...

Sumit Sarkar

Chris Kemerer

The evolution of analytics
...By Harsha Rao and Deepali Jain...

Robert Phillips