All search results for . 15271-15280 of 20181 results.
Tortured artists torture their wallet: New study finds artwork created by artists when they are unhappy is worth up to 35 percent less than their o...
...Key Takeaway: The value of a painting that is created by an artist during a ...
INFORMS O.R. & Analytics Student Team Competition Student Competition - Fourth Place
...University of Cincinnati...
ORSI turns 60
...Operational Research Society of India prepares to celebrate milestone in ...
INFORMS News: In Memoriam Harvey M. Wagner (1931-2017)
...Harvey M. Wagner, a renowned researcher, teacher and consultant whose seminal ...
INFORMS O.R. & Analytics Student Team Competition - First Place
...University of Warwick, Nottingham University, & Cardiff University...
CEOs who appear on CNBC can see their pay rise over $200,000 per year
2016 UPS George D. Smith Prize Winner
...Carnegie Mellon University, Heinz College...
2009 Wagner Prize Finalist - The George Washington University
...Optimizing Helicopter Transport of Oil Rig Crews at PetrobrasPetrobras carries ...
2009 Wagner Prize Finalist - Intel Corporation
...Extending Bass for Improved New Product Forecasting at IntelForecasting demand ...