All search results for . 12021-12030 of 20198 results.
Analytics Ethics
...Validation is the key to avoiding algorithmic disaster.By Joseph ByrumAbout as ...
2018 Fall Technical Symposium, Cincinnati-Dayton Chapter of INFORMS
Managing railroad travel over tens of thousands of miles
...BNSF Railway is one of North America���s leading freight transportation ...
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Healthcare: Measuring medical policy changes with O.R.
...By Sumana Reddy and Harrison SchrammHow can advanced statistical methods be made...
The rise of self-service analytics
...By Paul BrunetWith the rise of big data ��� and the processes and tools related ...
China National Petroleum Corporation: Operations Research Models Enable Better Planning of Natural Gas Pipelines Resulting in Reduced Costs, Lowe...
...From 2010 to 2015, China���s annual natural gas consumption increased from 107 ...
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...Supply Chain Management Software SurveyPage 13...
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, unless you are an app developer