PHOENIX, October 11, 2012 – The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS®), the leading professional association for advanced analytics professionals, today announced 12 new recipients of the annual INFORMS Fellows Award.
The INFORMS Fellows Award, which brings together the very best operations researchers and analytics experts throughout the world, recognizes outstanding achievement in five areas:
- education in the field of operations research/management science
- management of operations research/management science, including responsibility for applying the profession’s techniques within an organization of any type
- the practice of operations research/management science/analytics
- research
- service to INFORMS and the profession
The 2012 recipients are:
- Guillermo Gallego,Columbia University, for contributions to revenue management and inventory theory that have provided insights and effective methods for problem-solving, and for compelling leadership at Columbia University and in the profession.
- Bezalel “Ben” Gavish, Southern Methodist University, for pioneering work in the application of operations research and management sciences in the field of telecommunications, and for his contributions to the fields of information systems, production management, and transportation.
- Daniel Granot, University of British Columbia, for groundbreaking research that has opened significant pathways of inquiry within the fields of cooperative games and supply chain management, and for his service to the University of British Columbia and INFORMS society.
- Patrick Harker, University of Delaware, for remarkable leadership at the organizations he leads, and for his contributions to the theory of variational inequalities and his editorial services to INFORMS.
- Michael N. Katehakis, Rutgers Business School, for fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of operations research in the areas of dynamic programming and data-driven analytics.
- Karl Kempf, Intel, for the effective promotion of operations research and management sciences in key high-technology industries, and for contributions to robotics, production scheduling, supply chain management and product development.
- Ramayya Krishnan, Carnegie Mellon University, for leadership and innovation in academia and in practice, as well as leadership in INFORMS, linking operations research and management sciences with information systems in research, education, and management.
- Richard P. O’Neill, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, for contributions in developing and applying optimization to improve the efficiency of the electricity and natural gas markets, and for effective advocacy of the use of optimization to operate energy markets.
- Rakesh Kumar Sarin,UCLA,For advancing decision-analysis theories and methodologies through editorial services and research focusing on multiple attribute decisions, measurable value functions, risk perception, descriptive choice models, fairness, and happiness.
- Yves Smeers, Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), for developing theory for predicting the behavior of energy markets, and for contributions to formulating energy policies, including electricity market design in the European Union.
- Marius M. Solomon, Northeastern University, for contributions to the development and real-world advancement of OR planning and execution methodologies, and the development of benchmark problems for time-sensitive supply chains, benefiting a variety of economic sectors.
- Sridhar Tayur, Carnegie Mellon University, for research on inventories and supply chain management, and developing new methodologies, implementing solutions in manufacturing, logistics and supply chains, and creating a market for enterprise inventory optimization software.
The INFORMS Fellows Awards will be presented at a luncheon on Monday, October 15 at the INFORMS annual meeting in Phoenix. Over 4,000 academics and professionals are scheduled to attend the conference.
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS®) is the leading professional association for professionals in advanced analytics. INFORMS is an international scientific society with 10,000 members, including Nobel Prize laureates, dedicated to applying scientific methods to help improve decision-making, management, and operations. Members of INFORMS work in business, government, and academia. They are represented in fields as diverse as airlines, health care, law enforcement, the military, financial engineering, and telecommunications. INFORMS serves the scientific and professional needs of operations research analysts, experts in analytics, consultants, scientists, students, educators, and managers, as well as their institutions, by publishing a variety of journals that describe the latest research in operations research. Further information about INFORMS, analytics, and operations research is at

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Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]