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A limited number of contributed, either 20 or 30 minutes talks will be
selected for this workshop. Extended abstracts no more than two pages
should be sent before March 15, 2005. The text can be in Latex,
Postscript, PDF or pure ASCII. The acceptance of the extended abstract
will be send no later than April 1, 2005.
After acceptance, the full papers according to the rules of the Springer
LNCS (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html) and PPAM05 Conference
(http://ppam.pcz.pl/submission.htm), in order to be published in the PPAM
2005 proceedings, should be sent before April 30, 2003.
These submitted papers will be reviewed, and the incorrect and
wrongly formatted papers will have to be submitted again. Some
papers may be selected for publication in special issues of
regular scientific journals.
Summary, Important Dates and Notes:
March 15, 2005 -- Extended abstracts
April 1, 2005 -- Acceptance for the presentation
April 30, 2005 -- Paper submission (full papers, see above)
October 15, 2005 -- Camera ready papers