The IPCO conference is held every year, except for those years in which the 'Symposium on Mathematical Programming' takes place. The conference is meant to be a forum for researchers and practitioners working on various aspects of integer programming and combinatorial optimization. The aim is to present recent developments in theory, computation, and applications in that area. The scope of IPCO includes algorithmic and structural results in topics such as:
- approximation algorithms
- algorithmic game theory
- branch and bound algorithms
- branch and cut algorithms
- computational biology
- computational complexity
- computational geometry
- cutting plane algorithms
- diophantine equations
- geometry of numbers
- graph and network algorithms
- integer programming
- matroids and submodular functions
- on-line algorithms and competitive analysis
- polyhedral combinatorics
- randomized algorithms
- random graphs
- scheduling theory and scheduling algorithms
- semidefinite programs
IPCO is not restricted to theory. Computational and practical work, implementations, novel applications of these techniques to practical problems, and revealing computational studies, are most welcome.
During the conference, approximately 30-35 papers will be presented in a series of non-parallel sessions. Each lecture will be 30 minutes long.
The program committee will select the papers to be presented on the basis of extended abstracts to be submitted as described at the conference webpage (see above). The proceedings will contain full texts of all presented papers. Each participant will receive a copy at the conference.