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The scope of the conference will be the discussion of topics in the Power Systems Modelling area from scientists of leading laboratories of universities and research centres in Europe and Worldwide. The conference will be for a limited number of participants and will be held in a single session so as to stimulate discussions in the spirit of a "get together" of scientists in Power Systems Modelling.
The sessions that will be held during this conference will focus on the following subjects:
-Computing Technologies in Energy systems (Chairman: Prof. Mario PEREIRA - PSR)
-Energy Auctions (Chairman: Prof. Mete BJORNDAL ' Finance and Management Studies / NHH - NORWAY)
-Expansion planning (Chairman: Prof. Yves SMEERS ' CORE / UCL - BELGIUM)
-Forecasting in Energy (Chairman: Prof. Terje GJENGEDAL ' Electrical Engineering / NTNU & Statkrfat - NORWAY)
-Market Regulation (Chairman: Prof. Julian BARQUIN ' IIT / Comillas - SPAIN)
-Operation planning ' Conventional (Chairman: Prof. Thomas HARTMANN ' IAEW / RWTH ' Aachen - GERMANY)
-Operation planning ' Renewable (Chairman: Prof. Mario PEREIRA - PSR)
-Risk management (Chairman: Prof. Stein Eirik FLETEN ' Institute of Industrial Economics / NTNU - NORWAY)
-Stochastic Programming in Energy (Chairman: Prof. Werner ROEMISCH ' Institute of Mathematics / HU Berlin - GERMANY)
-Transmission and Distribution modelling (Chairman: Prof. Vangelis DIALYNAS ' ICCS / NTUA - GREECE)