Operations Management Faculty Programme with Terry Hill

Event Detail

General Information
Tuesday, March 22, 2005 - Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Days of Week:
Target Audience:
Academic Oriented
Palgrave Macmillan Oxford, UK
General Phone:
44(0)1256 302884
General Email:
100 (for 2 days. Includes lunch on both days, copy of the textbook and instructor's manual
Registration Information
Registration Phone:
+44(0) 1256 302884
Event Details/Other Comments:

Terry Hill - author of the best-selling text on operations management will be running a two-day faculty programme in Oxford.
Terry Hill uses the time to present his vision of what operations management is and to discuss how to use his book and the accompanying materials effectively in teaching the subject.
The orientation of the textbook lies in the premise that operations can deliver real competitive advantage for organizations. Drawing on his extensive industrial and consultancy experience, Hill balances the
strategic role of the operations manager with day-to-day management tasks,and shows how each step and decision in operations is affected by market needs and wants.