EUROSIM is the Federation of European Simulation Societies, and the EUROSIM congress organisation (a triennial event) is one of the most important activities of the federation.
For more information about EUROSIM see: http://www.eurosim.info
The scope of the congress includes all aspects of continuous, discrete
(event) and hybrid modelling, simulation, identification and optimisation approaches.
For details see: http://www.eurosim2007.org/Scope.html
The EUROSIM 2007 scientific programme consists of: Plenary lectures, Regular sessions, Special sessions, Posters, Students' competition and Tutorials.
Papers will be published in two Proceedings Volumes: Volume 1: Book of Abstracts, Volume 2: DVD volume with full papers and multimedia files.
For more information see: http://www.eurosim2007.org/Programme.html
Proposals for special sessions and tutorials: 1 Feb. 2007
Submission of extended abstracts: 9 April 2007
Notification of acceptance: 30 May 2007
Submission of camera-ready papers: 9 July 2007
The organiser of the EUROSIM 2007 Congress is the Slovene Society for Simulation and Modelling SLOSIM, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, in close cooperation with ASIM and other EUROSIM societies (CROSSIM, CSSS, DBSS, FRANCOSIM, HSS, ISCS, SIMS, UKSIM, AES, PSCS, ROMSIM). The congress is being co-sponsored by many other simulation
societies: CASS (Chinese Association for System Simulation), ECMS (European Council for Modelling and Simulation), JSST (Japan Society for Simulation Technology), LSS (Latvian Simulation Society), SCS (The Society for Modeling and Simulation International).
Exhibitors with software, hardware and books from the area of modelling and simulation are cordially invited to participate.
Detailed: http://www.eurosim2007.org/Contact.html