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The 8-th International ACM Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM 2005) is intended to provide an international forum for the discussion and presentation of original ideas, recent results and achievements by researchers, students, M&S and systems developers on issues and challenges related to mobile and wireless systems.
MSWiM 2005 is a highly competitive, single-track conference. This year's technical program includes (1) outstanding technical papers with both theoretical and pratical results of significance on all aspects of modeling and analysis of wireless and mobile systems,
(2) Two outstanding keynote speakers, (3) a challenging panel session on Wireless Mesh Networks, (4) a poster session,
(5) two tutorials, and (4) three full-day workshops.
Please find below information concerning registration, hotel accommodation, and a summary of MSWiM 2005 technical program.
We are looking forward to seeing in Montreal.
MSWiM 2005 Organizing Committee
Technical Program and Registration information can be found at:
CONFERENCE HOTEL/VENUE: Hyatt Regency Montreal Hotel
Note: hotel registration cut-off date has been extended to **Sept 17, 2005** upon rooms availability.
2 Tutorials, October 9th, 2005:
* "IP-Oriented QoS in the Next Generation Networks:
Application to Wireless Networks"
Dr. Pascal Lorenz, Universite de Haute Alsace, France
* "Intermittently Connected Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and
Delay Tolerant Networks: Overview and Challenges"
Dr. Zhensheng Zhang, San Diego Research Center
2 Keynote Speakers:
October 10th, 2005
* Prof. Catherine Rosenberg, University of Waterloo, Canada
"Cross-layer Interactions and Optimizations
in Wireless Networks"
October 11th, 2005
* Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz, Georgia Insitute of Technology, USA
"Grand Challenges For Wireless Sensor Networks"
10 Technical sessions (October 10-12, 2005)
covering topics of:
Multi-hop Networks, Resource Allocations and
Congestion Control, Network Connectivity and Radio Coverage
Wireless Multimedia, MAC Protocols, Analysis of Wireless
and Mobile Networks, Vehicular Networks,
Wireless Sensor Networks, and Energy and power consumption.
1 Walk-in Poster Session (In progress)
1 Conference Panel on:
"Wireless Mesh Networking: Challenges and Opportunities"
3 one-day ACM workshops on October 13, 2004:
* Q2SWinet: 1st ACM Workshop on QoS and Security in
Wireless and Mobile Networks
* WMuNeP 2005: 1-st ACM Workshop on Wireless Multimedia
Networking and Performance Modeling (WMuNeP 2005)
* PE-WASUN 2005: 2-nd ACM Workshop on Performance
Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor,
and Ubiquitous Ne