Country: South Korea (KOR)
2014 International Conference on Information and Network Security
(ICINS 2014)
11- 12 April 2014
Jeju Island, Korea
Call for paper:
Security of Web-based applications and services
Anti-malware techniques: detection, analysis, and prevention
Intrusion prevention, detection, and response
Security for electronic voting
Combating cyber-crime: anti-phishing, anti-spam, anti-fraud techniques
Privacy and anonymity technologies
Network perimeter controls: firewalls, packet filters, and application gateways
Security for emerging technologies: sensor networks, wireless/mobile (and ad hoc) networks, and personal communication systems
Security for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs)
Security for peer-to-peer and overlay network systems
Security for electronic commerce: e.g., payment, barter, EDI, notarization, timestamping, endorsement, and licensing
Implementation, deployment and management of network security policies
Intellectual property protection: protocols, implementations, metering, watermarking, digital rights management
Integrating security services with system and application security facilities and protocols
Public key infrastructures, key management, certification, and revocation
Special problems and case studies: e.g., tradeoffs between security and efficiency, usability, reliability and cost
Security for collaborative applications: teleconferencing and video-conferencing
Software hardening: e.g., detecting and defending against software bugs (overflows, etc.)
Security for large-scale systems and critical infrastructures
Integrating security in Internet protocols: routing, naming, network management
Submission Deadline:2014-02-05
All accepted papers will be selected and published in One of the following Journals.
--Ei/Sci indexed Journal:
International Journal of Communications (JCM, 1796-2021, Indexed by Scopus and EI Compendex);
China Communications (ISSN: 1673-5447; CN: 11-5439/TN), indexed by the SCIE);
--Google Scholar:
International Journal of Future Computer and Communication (IJFCC,ISSN: 2010-3751, DOI: 10.7763/IJFCC, indexed by DOAJ, EBSCO and etc);
Journal of Advances in Computer Networks (JACN, ISSN: 1793-8244, DOI: 10.7763/JACN, indexed by DOAJ, EBSCO and etc);
International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering (IJCCE, ISSN: 2010-3743, DOI: 10.7763/IJCCE, indexed by DOAJ, EBSCO and etc).
Submission Method:
1. Electronic Submission System; (.pdf)
2. Email: [email protected] (.pdf and .doc)
Contact Us:
Ms. Yolanda Dong
Tel: 86-28-86527868
E-mail: [email protected]
For more conferences: http://iacsit.org/