INFORMS Publications Videos
Digitization, Unbundling, and Piracy
Digitization, Unbundling, and Piracy: Consumer Adoption amidst Disruptive Innovations in the Music Industry. - Session 7A - #1
INFORMS Journal on Computing Editor-in-Chief David Woodruff
The editor-in-chief of this leading journal in operations research and computer science discusses journal highlights and how authors can improve their chances of having their submissions accepted.
INFORMS Transactions on Education Editor-in-Chief Armann Ingolfsson
The editor-in-chief of this leading journal in operations research discusses journal highlights; learning the latest about education in STEM, math, operations research, management science, and analytics; and how authors can improve their chances of having their submissions accepted.
Scalable Heuristics for a Class of Chance-Constrained Stochastic Programs
Jean-Paul Watson
Discrete Math and Complex Systems Department, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185
[email protected],
Roger J-B Wets
Department of Mathematics, University of California, Davis, Davis, California 95616
[email protected],
David L. Woodruff
Graduate School...
Transportation Science Editor-in-Chief Michel Gendreau
The editor-in-chief of this leading journal in operations research and all forms of transportation discusses journal highlights and how authors can improve their chances of having their submissions accepted.
Trends in Research Publications INFORMS Editors' Panel
INFORMS Annual MeetingSan Francisco, CA, November 2014
TV Ads Prompt Multitasking Viewers to Visit and Buy Online
One of the emerging fears of television advertisers is that distracted viewers – those increasingly frenetic multitaskers using smartphones, laptops and tablets while viewing television – are becoming less susceptible to advertisers’ messages. Or are they? A new study called “Television Advertisi...